Hello everybody!
Today I went to the bakery for breakfast and after I eat delicious food, I went straight to the cashier to pay, so I just had a note of R$ 50.00 (U.S. $ 25.00). In my view, it seemed that the girl cashier, did not get many of those notes... That BAKA rolled up the note under the light, in front of me to see if a note was true or false (As if I were a bad guy, right? Oh no, is that I think I left my moneymaker in the backyard on display -.-). Then she was giving me the change, but do you think I took it and went right away? Obvious no... I took notes the change and did the same thing with her ... I stretched out on the notes high below the light to see if they were true, then when I was looking, she said:
- Over? (Like a jerk)
So I spoke with irony:
- No ... Still missing check the coins!
>>>Is that guys... Sarcasm is paid with the irony!<<<
(Hahahhahahahhaahahha! You guys need to see the face of her -.- XD Bye, until the next people!
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