Hello everybody!
Today I went to the bakery for breakfast and after I eat delicious food, I went straight to the cashier to pay, so I just had a note of R$ 50.00 (U.S. $ 25.00). In my view, it seemed that the girl cashier, did not get many of those notes... That BAKA rolled up the note under the light, in front of me to see if a note was true or false (As if I were a bad guy, right? Oh no, is that I think I left my moneymaker in the backyard on display -.-). Then she was giving me the change, but do you think I took it and went right away? Obvious no... I took notes the change and did the same thing with her ... I stretched out on the notes high below the light to see if they were true, then when I was looking, she said:
- Over? (Like a jerk)
So I spoke with irony:
- No ... Still missing check the coins!
>>>Is that guys... Sarcasm is paid with the irony!<<<
(Hahahhahahahhaahahha! You guys need to see the face of her -.- XD Bye, until the next people!
quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2012
Hi, people!
Today, I'm so boring... But, I have a certainty this is only for a bit.
Oh Reccaping, yesterday I'm went to my school, singing... I had good lessons, lecture and at the end ... very hungry. So when I got home, I decided to look for something to eat, as it was night, my father and mother were already in bed and my father had slept. Incredibly, I found nothing to eat O_o waiwaiwaiwai, wait! NOTHING TO EAT!!! I jumped on the bed and asked my mother:
- Where's the food?!!
She said:
- It has plenty of fruit in the fridge.
- Oké... I going to eat so...
When I got there, I opened the fridge, I did not find any fruit, so I shouted:
- MOTHER! I did not find any fruit!
- It has fruit behind pie on the bottom shelf...
So when I looked ... They were just apples. I wanting a variety of flavors, I yelled for my mother again:
- Apple is a fruit, right?
segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2012
Chinese Billionaire offers US$ 65 million to whoever marries her daughter

(Cecil Chao Sze-Tsung, claims to have slept with 10,000 women)
Hong Kong billionaire Cecil Chao Sze-Tsung, 76 years, who is offering $ 65 million for a man able marry his daughter. But this is not simple then appears... Because his daughter don't want anyone, only her girlfriend, Sean Yeung. Yes, this girl don't want anyone man, because her are homosexual. But, her father is a bilionaire man they just want your daughter to marry a man, to not tarnish his image, after all, this man claims to have slept with over 10,000 women.
President of the company Cheuk Nang Holdings, Cecil never married and is known for his taste for Rolls-Royces and fly helicopters, a skill he shares with daughter Gigi Chao. The tycoon has three son with three different women.
The mogul made the millionaire offer after reports that his daughter Gigi Chao, 33, was married to his girlfriend of seven years, Sean Yeung, who also uses the name Sean Eav, at a ceremony in France.

(Gigi Chao, the daughter of the mogul was offers the millionaire value)
Then you have the courage to go to china to try to conquer she and become a millionaire?
10 Ways to be more intelligent!
Oily fish are rich in DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid accounts for 40% of the formation of cell membranes and can improve neurotransmission. DHA is required for brain development of the fetus and several studies have linked diets with fish enough to reduce the mental decline with old age. But before you take the bait know that these studies were based on what people remembered spare their diets, a task that smells fishy.
9. Drink Tea
The caffeine in green tea and black makes the body catch in stride and sharpens the mind. It is not good to drink coffee and energy. To gain cerebral excellent take frequent breaks to drink tea. Small doses throughout the day are better than taking a single large dose.
While a slight nervousness can improve cognitive performance, periods of intense stress in turn into Neanderthals. Try to control your breathing.
7. More slow
There is the phenomenon announced so called "speed reading". At least if your concept of 'reading' means understanding the text. Studies show that readers are going fast even worse when asked about the text. The motor response of the retina, and the time it takes to get the image of the macula to the thalamus and then to the visual cortex for processing, limiting the eyes to about 500 words per minute at maximum efficiency. The common college student achieves, about half of it.
Italian researchers have found that people over 65 who walk about 9 miles a week at a moderate pace is 27% less likely to develop dementia than sedentary adults. Researchers believe that exercise may improve blood flow in the brain.
5. Pratique
Practice the types of questions that appear on intelligence tests. When preparing to verbal problems, numerical and spatial typical of psychometric tests, you can improve your score.
A quick nap in the office can make your boss angry? Find out what you actually deserve a promotion according to the latest results of sleep studies. A short nap can improve your memory, even if it lasts only six minutes.
3. Play videogame
Everyone who begged for a videogame will now know the best argument for getting a "You do not want me to have a lower visual and motor coordination, do you?" Now you can say that some games make you smarter as well as Brain Age Nintendo's. After painstaking efforts the players "feel rejuvenate their brains."
2. Exercises
Studies show that students who do regular aerobic exercises help build gray and white matter in the brains of older adults. In children the highlight was to lead to better performance on cognitive tests.

Studies show that students who do regular aerobic exercises help build gray and white matter in the brains of older adults. In children the highlight was to lead to better performance on cognitive tests.
1. Discover
Learning new things can strengthen the brain, especially if you believe you can learn new things. It is a vicious circle: When you think you're becoming smarter, you study more, creating more connections between neurons.
The Human Mind clear duplicated registers
The human brain measures time by observing the movements.
If someone put you in an empty white room with no furniture, no doors or windows, no clock .... you begin to lose track of time. For a few days, your mind will detect the passage of time feeling the internal reactions of your body, including the heartbeat, sleep cycles, hunger, thirst and blood pressure. This is because our sense of time passage derives from the motion of objects, people, and natural signs of cyclical repetition of events such as sunrise and sunset. Comprehended this point, there is another thing you have to consider:
Our brain is extremely optimized.
He keeps doing the same job twice.
An average adult is between 40 and 60,000 thoughts per day.
Any one of us would go crazy if the brain had to consciously process this quantity. Therefore, most of these thoughts is automated and does not appear in the index of the day's events and therefore, when you live an experience the first time, he devotes many resources to understand what is happening.
It's when you feel most alive.
As the same experiment is repeated, it will simply putting their reactions in automatic mode and 'erasing' duplicate experiments. If you understand these two points, will now understand why it seems that time accelerates as we get older and because Christmases come faster and faster.
When we started driving cars, it all seems too complicated, our attention seems to be the most requested. Then one day drive switching gear, looking at the traffic lights, signs reading or even talking on the phone at the same time.
How does that happen?
Simple: the brain already knows what is written on the plates (you do not read with the eyes, but with the previous image in the mind); Your brain already knows which gear change (it just takes your past experiences and uses, rather than actually repeat the experience). That is, you did not experience that experience, at least for the mind. Those critics second upshift, reading card are erased from his notion of the passage of time.
When you start to repeat something exactly like the mind erases the experience repeated. As we get older things start to repeat themselves - the same streets, people, problems, challenges, television programs, claims, - .... finally ... new experiences (those that make the mind stop and think of actually making your day seem to have been long and full of news), they are diminishing. Until that is repeated so much that it is hard to say what we had to novelty in the week, or year, for some people, in the decade.
In other words, it does seem that accelerates the time is ...
The routine is essential for life and optimizes a lot, but most people love both routine that, throughout life, her diary ends up being a book one chapter, repeated every year.
Fortunately there is an antidote to the acceleration of time: M & M (Move and Mark).
Change, doing something different and check, making a ritual, a party or records with photos. Change of scenery, take a family vacation (I suggest you take a vacation whenever and preferably a warm place for one year and cold the next) and mark with photos, postcards and letters. Have children (they destroy the routine) and always do birthday parties for them, and for you (and differentiating event marking the day). Use and abuse of rituals to make special moments other than the usual times. Make engagement parties, wedding, 15 years anniversary this or that, send-outs, participate anniversary of their graduation class, visit distant relatives, including 60 years at the university, change hair color, let the beard, take the beard, buy different decorations at Christmas, go to concerts, cook a new recipe, taken from a new book.
Choose different clothes, do not paint the house the same color, do different.
Kiss your passion and live differently with her at different times.
Go to different markets, read different books, seek different experiences.
Be different.
If you have money, especially if you are already retired, take your husband, wife or friends in other cities or countries, see other cultures, strangers visit museums, enjoy dishes weird ... in other words ... L-I-V-E! Because if you live intensely differences, time will seem longer. And if you are lucky to be married to someone willing to live and pursue different things, your book will be much longer, much more interesting and more alive ... than most books of life out there.
Surround yourself with friends.
Friends with different tastes, coming from different places, with different religions and they like different foods.
Anyway, I think you've got the message, is not it?
Good luck on your experiences to expand their time, with quality, emotion, and ritual life.
WRITE in DiFfErEnT SiZeS and in dIfFeReNt CoLoRs!
L I V E !!!
(Source: Acessodetalhado)
sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2012
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